Alabama Human Trafficking Summit

Human trafficking survivor, author speaks at Montgomery summit – WSFA

Human trafficking survivor, author speaks at Montgomery summit – WSFA

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – Law enforcement, counselors and others attended the ninth annual Alabama Human Trafficking Summit in Montgomery on Friday. A well-known human trafficking survivor was the keynote speaker at the event. Cyntoia Brown-Long was sentenced to life in prison in 2006 after she shot and killed a 43-year-old man while he was picking…

Summit to address human trafficking in Alabama

Summit to address human trafficking in Alabama

The issue of sex and labor trafficking in Alabama will take center stage in Montgomery. The ninth annual Alabama Human Trafficking Summit will feature speakers from law enforcement to victims’ support groups. The event is taking place just after West Alabama law officers arrested fifteen people during an undercover sting operation. David Pinkleton is with…

Experts combating human trafficking experts worry about the number of unreported cases in Alabama

Experts combating human trafficking experts worry about the number of unreported cases in Alabama

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) – It’s been nearly two weeks since National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Yet just days ago, investigators with the West Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force arrested 15 people connected to prostitution, drugs and human trafficking. Members of a human trafficking task force in North Alabama area explain the trauma these victims face….

Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force will hold annual summit January 26–27

Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force will hold annual summit January 26–27

Human trafficking is the second-largest criminal activity in the world and the fastest-growing. Awareness in the United States has increased, but human trafficking continues to go underreported due to its nature of isolation, the misconception of the definition of human trafficking and the lack of awareness of its signs and indicators. Human trafficking occurs when…

State task force addressing human trafficking in Alabama – The Cullman Tribune

State task force addressing human trafficking in Alabama – The Cullman Tribune

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Human trafficking is the second largest criminal activity in the world and the fastest growing. Even though overall awareness in the United States has increased, human trafficking continues to go underreported due to its nature of isolation, the misconception of the definition of human trafficking, and the lack of awareness of its…