Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that involves the exploitation of individuals, typically women and children, for commercial sex acts through force, fraud, or coercion. Sex trafficking victims are often subjected to physical and emotional abuse, as well as other forms of violence and exploitation.

Sex trafficking can occur both domestically and internationally, and is often linked to other criminal activities such as drug trafficking and organized crime. It is estimated that millions of people worldwide are currently being trafficked for sex, with the majority of victims being women and girls.

Victims of sex trafficking are often lured into the trade through false promises of employment or other opportunities, only to find themselves trapped in a cycle of exploitation and abuse. Traffickers may also use physical violence, threats, or manipulation to control and exploit their victims.

The impact of sex trafficking can be devastating, both for the victims and for society as a whole. Victims may experience physical and psychological trauma, as well as long-term health problems and social isolation. The economic costs of trafficking are also significant, with estimates suggesting that it generates billions of dollars in profits for traffickers each year.

Efforts to combat sex trafficking include a range of approaches, including increased public awareness, stronger legal frameworks and law enforcement efforts, and support for victims and survivors. International organizations such as the United Nations and various NGOs work to raise awareness and provide support for victims, while governments around the world have passed laws aimed at preventing trafficking and prosecuting traffickers.

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2014 Trafficking in Persons Report – Statement by Laura J. Lederer
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