
From Love146: We believe that making the world a safe place for children is only possible through a bold, broad vision that cannot be achieved by only one organization or approach. At Love146, we connect the dots to understand how vulnerability operates in the lives of children, and intervene both to care for survivors who have been harmed and ultimately to prevent harm from happening in the first place. Our work is achieved through the power of relationships and collaboration, listening to those with lived experience and diverse backgrounds, scaling proven practices, and challenging the systems that leave children vulnerable. Our core commitment is to do what is best for children.

What this Week’s Snapchat Updates Mean for Human Trafficking Prevention
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What this Week’s Snapchat Updates Mean for Human Trafficking Prevention

On January 19th, Snapchat announced new security measures to their platform in order to make it harder for adults to connect with adolescents they don’t know. This change was prompted by a desire to protect children from people trying to sell them drugs, but it could also help protect children from other predators, such as traffickers. 

How to spot the red flags if you’re at risk of trafficking and exploitation:
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How to spot the red flags if you’re at risk of trafficking and exploitation:

The term “red flag” means you see something that’s a reason to stop and consider your safety. There are red flags for lots of things – depression, dating violence, suicide – and seeing one or two red flags doesn’t necessarily mean that something is happening to you, it simply lets you know that you should probably step back and take another look at the situation. 

Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty on 5 charges related to minor sex trafficking.
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Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty on 5 charges related to minor sex trafficking.

Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty on five of six counts related to her partnership with Jeffrey Epstein in abusing and trafficking minors for sex. Prosecutors argued that Maxwell conspired from 1994 to 2004 to lure girls into trafficking and exploitation.

Did you know your donations can mean more for your taxes than they used to?
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Did you know your donations can mean more for your taxes than they used to?

For tax year 2021, according to The CARES Act extension, for those who do not itemize deductions, individuals can deduct up to $300 of qualified charitable contributions, and those filing jointly can deduct up to $600 of qualified charitable contributions in addition to the standard deduction.