
Ending human trafficking always begins with awareness. Any education / news / discussion that focuses on awareness should be here.

Fact check: Mask-wearing not connected to child trafficking
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Fact check: Mask-wearing not connected to child trafficking

The claim: Mask wearing makes children more at risk for child sex trafficking Misinformation about the causes of sex trafficking and how to protect minors can be especially damaging in the fight against it, yet a web of conspiracy theories about the crime has grown over the past few years. The latest false claim is that…

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  HUMAN TRAFFICKING HATER This “Human Trafficking Hater” video is presented with permission from the Human Trafficking Hater YouTube Channel. Dr. David Deeds (co-founder and education director of PBJ Learning) creates these videos to educate people about trafficking through stories and pointing viewers toward research. ABOUT PBJ LEARNING PBJ Learning is a leading provider of…

Tim Tebow’s Fight Against Human Trafficking
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Tim Tebow’s Fight Against Human Trafficking

  HUMAN TRAFFICKING HATER This “Human Trafficking Hater” video is presented with permission from the Human Trafficking Hater YouTube Channel. Dr. David Deeds (co-founder and education director of PBJ Learning) creates these videos to educate people about trafficking through stories and pointing viewers toward research. ABOUT PBJ LEARNING PBJ Learning is a leading provider of…

SPECIAL REPORT UPDATE 9/15/2020: Ghislaine Maxwell, are Federal Prosecutors helping Ghislaine?
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SPECIAL REPORT UPDATE 9/15/2020: Ghislaine Maxwell, are Federal Prosecutors helping Ghislaine?

  HUMAN TRAFFICKING HATER This “Human Trafficking Hater” video is presented with permission from the Human Trafficking Hater YouTube Channel. Dr. David Deeds (co-founder and education director of PBJ Learning) creates these videos to educate people about trafficking through stories and pointing viewers toward research. ABOUT PBJ LEARNING PBJ Learning is a leading provider of…

She’s stopped 2,600 child marriages!!!
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She’s stopped 2,600 child marriages!!!

  HUMAN TRAFFICKING HATER This “Human Trafficking Hater” video is presented with permission from the Human Trafficking Hater YouTube Channel. Dr. David Deeds (co-founder and education director of PBJ Learning) creates these videos to educate people about trafficking through stories and pointing viewers toward research. ABOUT PBJ LEARNING PBJ Learning is a leading provider of…

Child Sex Traffickers Worst Nightmare Tim Ballard an Amazing Abolitionist
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Child Sex Traffickers Worst Nightmare Tim Ballard an Amazing Abolitionist

  HUMAN TRAFFICKING HATER This “Human Trafficking Hater” video is presented with permission from the Human Trafficking Hater YouTube Channel. Dr. David Deeds (co-founder and education director of PBJ Learning) creates these videos to educate people about trafficking through stories and pointing viewers toward research. ABOUT PBJ LEARNING PBJ Learning is a leading provider of…

SPECIAL REPORT UPDATE 8/24/2020: Ghislaine Maxwell, are they spying on her in jail?
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SPECIAL REPORT UPDATE 8/24/2020: Ghislaine Maxwell, are they spying on her in jail?

  HUMAN TRAFFICKING HATER This “Human Trafficking Hater” video is presented with permission from the Human Trafficking Hater YouTube Channel. Dr. David Deeds (co-founder and education director of PBJ Learning) creates these videos to educate people about trafficking through stories and pointing viewers toward research. ABOUT PBJ LEARNING PBJ Learning is a leading provider of…

“Gearing Up” for #ccahtshareyourstrides
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“Gearing Up” for #ccahtshareyourstrides

Every runner has a favorite piece of equipment they swear by. The Piece de Resistance, so to speak – like when you were 5 and you got new shoes so you just had to show everybody how fast you could run and how high you could jump. I’ve come to notice we never actually grow out of this mindset; there are entire industries built around this idea that better equipment will make you a better athlete. While it’s an absolute truth that there are functional features that make one piece of equipment perform better than another, I’ve learned (sometimes the hard way) that what works for someone else (or comes in a pretty package), may not be the best piece of equipment for you.

My Personal Relationship With Running
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My Personal Relationship With Running

I always hesitate when other people refer to me as a “runner”; a weird reaction for someone who runs 4-5 days per week, and has performed relatively well in any of the competitive events I have participated in. To me, “runner” is a reference to those professional athletes who compete in events and are basically superhuman. My personal running adventure will likely never get to this level of intensity, but my relationship with running helps shape the person I am, and in doing so serves as my own personal superhero weapon. Over the course of the next few weeks, to celebrate Share your Strides, I will share insight into my own personal world of running. I have no particular expertise or professional experience—but I can offer you several years’ worth of wisdom based on hundreds of miles of experience. Today I will start at the core—why do I run?