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The draw of the 'manosphere': understanding Andrew Tate's appeal to lost men

The draw of the 'manosphere': understanding Andrew Tate's appeal to lost men

Mega-influencer Andrew Tate is once again back in the news as he battles charges of organised crime and human trafficking in Romania. Tate gained infamy last year after being banned on most major social media platforms for promoting a variety of aggressively misogynistic positions designed to stir controversy and draw attention to his brand. But…

Springfield organizations warn students human trafficking can start online in their own homes – KY3

Springfield organizations warn students human trafficking can start online in their own homes – KY3

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) – Social media is a dominant force in our world today, including the world of human trafficking. And a pair of Springfield-based organizations are trying to get the word out to parents and children. “A lot of adults have this false narrative about what sex trafficking of students looks like in America…